The Heavens Declare



Behold the morning brings the message:
Jesus paid the total price.
And again at close of evening,
It is written in the sky.

Day to day with joy resounding,
Grace and mercy new supplied;
In the face of sin abounding,
All its power at once denied.

Where the heavy heart and weary,
Shadowed by the awful curse,
Suffers pain and tumult daily,
Having life with God now lost,

There the sunrise, at day’s birthing,
Spreads the scarlet of His blood,
And that same bold crimson bloodstain
Rules the sky at set of sun.

God proclaims the glad reminder
At the start and end of day:
Man can live with  God forever;
With Christ’s blood the price is paid.




New Mercies Every Morning



“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope: It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.”  (Lamentations 3:21-23).

Compassion and mercy are one and the same word in the original Greek. Both words refer to feelings and actions that are prompted by love of the subject, regardless of his endeavors or lack thereof. Mercy is a gift, free and clear. When Jesus Christ of Nazareth walked the earth, bringing us the exact image of God, He was “moved with compassion” when He saw hurting people and met their needs. Whether people were sick, in need of deliverance, struggling with sin, or in need of physical sustenance, they called on Jesus for “mercy.” That mercy healed their bodies, delivered them from demonic bondage, forgave their sin, and fed them by supernatural supply.

God is called “the Father of Mercies” in scripture (2 Cor. 1:3). And He says of Himself, “I am the Lord; I change not.”  (Mal. 3:6). Jesus Christ is “the same: yesterday, today, and forever.” (Heb. 13:8).  And just like Jesus, those mercies are the same today as well. Moreover, they are new today — and every day.  We do not have to depend on mercy that is left over from yesterday. Nor do we have to worry about using up too much of it today in case we need help tomorrow.  His mercies — His compassions — are prepared new — for you — each and every day — with more than enough in place to meet every need.  Unfortunately, many of us just let those mercies sit there — waiting — and wasted — while we keep struggling with our own problems independently.

My friend, don’t let that happen to you. Don’t struggle to keep fighting the never-ending battles with your own feeble human knowledge and ability. Connect with God today, through Jesus Christ, and let His mercies fill your life, meet your needs, and make you whole every single day of your life from this moment forward.