Honoring My Mom, the Poet



This Mother’s Day, I’d like to honor my mom (who has been in Heaven with the Lord for over 30 years now) by sharing one of her original poems with you. I still miss my mother every day, but I do not grieve. I have the glad assurance that when I have run my race and come to the end of my own earthly journey, I will be with her once again and enjoy her company for eternity.

My mom wrote most of her poetry about “ordinary” people and “ordinary” events in life. To her, it was those simple things that made life truly precious and, therefore, made it “extraordinary.”

This little poem is one she wrote about being a mother and bringing up children. I thought it was particularly appropriate for today:

by Vera Faye Wallace Pavloff

Children are a gift from God above
For us to cherish and shower with love,

To care for and teach them how to mind;
This is not easy, so soon we find.

Having patience with a wee little one
Is winning a battle that’s only begun.

Time spent with them is seldom too much
For knowing your child and keeping in touch —

For teaching them how to love one another,
And to always be kind to sister and brother.

You listen to all the stories they tell,
Add one of your own with something to sell.

Giving them freedom and time to dream
Is not quite so foolish as it may seem.

Persuade and guide them along the way,
And take time out to hope and pray

That they develop both character and mind —
One to your liking and much refined.

To show that you care and stay in command
You must use a firm but gentle hand.

When they’re older and much troubled too,
Help them by being both honest and true.

Part of the burden they really must bear
Much too often we think we should share.

Yes, raising a child is a pleasure for sure;
For each little crisis there is a cure.

When they worry to their wits’ end,
Always remember it’s on you they depend.

Bring them up in the ways of the Lord
And give them what you can afford.

When they accomplish whatever they do,
You know that you have accomplished too.

© Very Faye Wallace Pavloff 1970

And to all of you mothers out there who are reading this post: I wish you a terrific, jubilant, carefree, and memorable Mother’s Day, 2017!

♥ ♥ ♥