Weekly Photo Challenge, Create: IT BEGINS …


“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” (Gen.1:1)

“And the evening and the morning were the first day.” (Gen.1:5)

5 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge, Create: IT BEGINS …

    1. Thank you so much. I hopped over to visit your site briefly — not much time — have to leave for work — but I wanted to say that I absolutely love your header pictures. I especially like the one of that single structure that looks sort of like a barn, out in the middle of a field all by itself. Is that near where you live? It’s a gorgeous photo.


      1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. The photo you are talking about is near Castlesardo about 30 minutes from me. It’s a Nuraghe which was built in the 1500’s. Sardinia was over 3000 Nuraghe on the island. I hope you stop by again to discover more.


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